The Evolving World of Mental Health Treatments

This is neither an endorsement or advice about the treatment of mental health.

It goes without saying that good mental health is foundational to overall health and well-being.

In underwriting, a report of confirmed or even suspected history of depression or related conditions gets a lot of attention and policy issue can range from standard rates to rated premium to sometimes no offer at all, where the risk is deemed too high to accept.

Treatments for depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or other conditions in the mental health spectrum continue to evolve. The use of psychedelics is a newer facet of treatment. Natural substances that induce a hallucinatory state have been around for millennia. These include everything from cannabis, now legal in Canada, and include opium poppy to ayahuasca, the latter a product of brewing a particular vine or shrub commonly found in South America (1). Continue reading “The Evolving World of Mental Health Treatments”

INFOclip: Protecting Your Estate

Over a lifetime, your client has worked and managed to accumulate an estate consisting of registered savings, non-registered savings, property, maybe even a business. And when they pass, they want to make sure that their family or a favourite charity receives as much of their estate as possible. So far so good, right?

However, the reality is that if your client fails to structure their estate effectively, much of those hard-earned dollars could end up in the hands of government as taxes or distributed to heirs in a way contrary to their wishes. So, how can they prevent their estate from being distributed incorrectly? Proper estate planning is key.

Watch this video, then share it with your clients to demonstrate the importance of effective estate planning with a trusted Advisor – that’s you! Continue reading “INFOclip: Protecting Your Estate”

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INFOclip: Protecting Your Estate

Healthy Forgetting: Remember This

Underwriters see an unprecedented number of cases of suspected or confirmed cognitive decline, the inevitable result of our aging population. While cognitive decline can be demonstrated by a degradation or loss of a number of functions such as learning, language or complex attention skills, the apparent loss of memory is the most common presenting complaint. Even cases where the memory loss has not had a major impact on daily living, a suspicion of even mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is enough to have the insurance application turned down.

But what about the other side of the memory coin, specifically can we remember too much or remember in ways that are unhealthy? How does this work and is there a name for this condition? Let’s delve a little deeper. Continue reading “Healthy Forgetting: Remember This”

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Healthy Forgetting: Remember This

Inflation, Interest Rates and Your Client’s Investments

Lately, we’ve all been experiencing a few less dollars in our bank accounts. Between the cost of fuel, groceries and the overall cost of living, there’s no denying that everything is just so much more expensive. Your clients may want to know why and although “inflation” is the one-word answer, we’re diving a little deeper into why inflation occurs and how it can affect interest rates and your client’s investments. Continue reading “Inflation, Interest Rates and Your Client’s Investments”

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Inflation, Interest Rates and Your Investments

Learning From Experience: Bett’s Story

Everyone loves a story with a happy ending, even if it’s rife with tragedy and family drama. But happy ending or not, if somewhere in the story, a loved one is lost, we see the toll the loss can take on the relationships of family survivors. True in fiction. True in life.

You play a pivotal role in encouraging your clients to plan ahead wisely and intentionally so they can ease rather than contribute to the toll their passing will take on the relationships of those they love. And you can never overemphasize the importance of proper estate planning.

Share Bett’s story with your clients to help them understand and remember the importance of documenting and communicating their final intentions.  Continue reading “Learning From Experience: Bett’s Story”

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Learning From Experience: Bett’s Story

INFOclip: Understanding Term Insurance

You know how important insurance is for your clients – it offers them a sense of security knowing their financial obligations are met in the event of a disability, illness or even death. But are your clients aware about the many benefits of term insurance for today and their tomorrows? Continue reading “INFOclip: Understanding Term Insurance”

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INFOclip: Understanding Term Insurance

Work-Life Balance: Tipping the Mortality Scale

Last time in this space, we discussed how physical or emotional stress affects the human heart. This time, we will focus on why maintaining a favorable balance between a commitment to our jobs and the need to prioritize our lives outside of the workplace is both a life-affirming and possible life-saving necessity.

Let’s start by looking back to the early 1990’s, when researchers in Japan started to study and report on a phenomenon where it appeared ostensibly healthy, middle-aged, mostly men, started to die suddenly. The term coined for the cause of death in this group was “karoshi”, meaning death from overwork. The common thread running through these cases was a history of chronically long work weeks, logging in at 60 hours and often more. The cause of death was disturbing in its’ repetition, most often heart disease, stroke or suicide (1).

More recently, and perhaps due to the pandemic and a growing body of knowledge increasingly difficult to ignore, there is renewed interest in the burden and toll of an unhealthy work life. Continue reading “Work-Life Balance: Tipping the Mortality Scale”

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Work-Life Balance: Tipping the Mortality Scale

Social Media Platforms – What You Need to Know

You’re a successful Advisor but want to promote and continue to grow your business online – smart move, count us in! However, there are just so many social media platforms, how do you know which one is right for you and your business?

There are indeed more than a few and they’re all slightly different, but all are excellent modern marketing tools and with a little research, you can decide which one (or two or three!) are a good fit for you and your brand.

Recently, LIMRA published a study asking Generation Y (also called millennials) who they engage for financial advice. They found that 90% of those surveyed said that they would NOT seek financial advice from their parents’ Advisors because they “are not relevant” (1). Ouch. But what does it mean to be “relevant”? Well, if you want to reach the next generation of wealth, you need to meet them where they are – and that place is on social media. Continue reading “Social Media Platforms – What You Need to Know”

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Social Media Platforms – What You Need to Know