Advisor Best Practices

As an Advisor, you want to run, grow and elevate your practice in the best ways possible. But where do you start?

From business building and how to market yourself to delivering engaging advice and expanding your technical knowledge, Sun Life has compiled a series of Advisor best practices to help you be the best that you can be and excel in your practice on all levels. Continue reading “Advisor Best Practices”

Learning From Experience: The Carte’s Story

Sometimes a story with a not-so-happy ending leaves readers wanting more, as in this installment of ‘Learning From Experience’. Readers will likely want to know how the siblings faired after they settled their issues, or even wish they could turn back time to encourage their parents to better plan for the peaceful transfer of the family legacy.

As their Advisor, you play a pivotal role in encouraging your clients to plan ahead wisely and intentionally so they can ease, rather than contribute to, the toll of their passing. And you can never overemphasize the importance of proper estate planning.

Read, and share the Carte’s story with your clients to help them understand and remember the wisdom in communicating with their heirs about estate plans and the value of exploring options to cover taxes so their legacy remains intact and can transfer harmoniously to the next generation. Continue reading “Learning From Experience: The Carte’s Story”

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Learning From Experience: The Carte’s Story

The Importance of Insurance Reviews

Life moves fast and changes to your client’s health, employment, living situation and finances can happen in a heartbeat. We’ve all experienced a great deal of change, especially over the course of the pandemic. In fact, a 2021 Insurance Barometer Study by Life Happens and LIMRA (1) discovered that the heightened awareness and uncertainty during the recent pandemic motivated people to purchase more insurance. From protecting one’s income for the benefit of surviving family members, to having funds to meet hospital bills, the importance of insurance has never been more evident.

This industry is built on relationships and client expectations have never been higher. Clients want ongoing, personalized relationships with their Advisors and would prefer that their Advisor reach out to them, rather than initiating that contact themselves. Your clients value consistency and reliability above all else, so it’s prudent to have a post-sale service strategy and process in place. Continue reading “The Importance of Insurance Reviews”

INFOclip: Transferring Wealth to Future Generations

Your client has worked hard all their life and through some savvy financial planning, has accumulated an impressive portfolio. Perhaps they are also at a time in their life when they are slowing down and now considering financial strategies to help the future generations of their family achieve financial success as well.

However, knowing that traditional registered and non-registered investments create tax liabilities, how can your client transfer the maximum amount of wealth to their kids and grandkids while paying the least amount of tax? Well, today may be a good day to let them know about the many tax-saving benefits of purchasing life insurance and using the “cascading insurance” strategy. Continue reading “INFOclip: Transferring Wealth to Future Generations”

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INFOclip: Transferring Wealth to Future Generations

Cryptocurrency and Financial Underwriting: Friend and Foe?

“The following article references an opinion and is for information purposes only. It is not intended to be investment advice. Seek a duly licensed professional for investment advice.”

Financial underwriting. These two words put together are sometimes the subject of heated debate and occasionally, more than mild disagreement between Advisors and underwriters. Even usually agreeable underwriters are known to argue strenuously amongst themselves and on differing sides of a financially challenging case. Unlike medical underwriting where guidelines cover a wide and deep array of conditions and risk scenarios, financial guidelines take up much less space in most underwriting manuals, highlighting the art rather the science of decision making in those cases.

But in every case, the higher the insurance amount applied for, the more thorough the financial underwriting – with extra attention paid to the financial information provided, including the nature of the applicant’s net worth – right down to the types of investments and currencies they hold. How does cryptocurrency, not brand new but still a relative newcomer in global finance, impact financial underwriting? In this Risk Bit, we’ll touch on the topic to get a sense of whether having a bit of Bitcoin is a friendly addition to the file information or whether an excess of Ethereum turns the underwriter into a file foe. Continue reading “Cryptocurrency and Financial Underwriting: Friend and Foe?”

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Speculating on Life and Death… and Cryptocurrency

Protecting Your Clients’ Retirement with Critical Illness Insurance

How many of your clients are dutifully saving for retirement? It’s probably safe to wager that the vast majority of your clients have some semblance of retirement savings in place.

Now, how many of those same clients have implemented the added step of protecting their investments in case of a severe illness?

While many retirement conversations revolve around RRSPs and their goal of helping clients maximize their returns, another important conversation involves critical illness insurance and the way in which it can benefit your clients by adding another layer of protection.

If a client suffers a critical illness and needs to take time off of work, or if they need to pay for additional treatment, that income replacement or funding needs to come from somewhere. Without insurance, clients will first dip into their savings… but there are better solutions including using critical illness insurance as retirement protection. Continue reading “Protecting Your Clients’ Retirement with Critical Illness Insurance”

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Protecting Your Retirement with Critical Illness Insurance

Social Media Platforms – Social Media For Your Business – An 8 Step Plan

As an Advisor, your business is important to you, and you would like to promote it on social media. But there are so many things to consider, where do you even start? We have got you covered with a plan to help get you started on social media. From knowing your market to tips on how to set up a social media profile, this 8-step plan will help you and your business get noticed! Continue reading “Social Media Platforms – Social Media For Your Business – An 8 Step Plan”

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Social Media For Your Business – An 8 Step Plan

Is Social Media Right for Me? A Few Things to Consider

You own your own practice and would like to spread the good word about your excellent services and level of expertise. Great idea! If you’re not already on social media, have you considered it as way to promote your business? A fast, effective and free way to show your prospects and current clients who you are, social media can help you connect and build those long-lasting relationships. And in this line of business…. it is all about those Advisor-client relationships.

But is social media right for you and your practice? There are certainly a few things to consider… Continue reading “Is Social Media Right for Me? A Few Things to Consider”

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Is Social Media Right for Me? A Few Things to Consider

Learning From Experience: Bernard’s Story

A good cautionary tale makes a person stop and take a look at their own circumstances.  Bernard’s story may encourage your clients to take stock of their assets and consider whether they’ve properly planned for the distribution of those assets.

Share Bernard’s story with your clients to help them see that there are nuances involved in naming beneficiaries and heirs, and that seeking good advice, communication, and documentation when planning can help to ensure their wishes are carried out as hoped.   Continue reading “Learning From Experience: Bernard’s Story”

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Learning From Experience: Bernard’s Story