It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Tax Season

Everywhere you go

Take a look at your T5 and T4, or you may soon be poor

With all the taxes at your door.

It’s that lovely time of the year when everyone is full of cheer (the 2023 brand of cheer, that is!) And now, tax season is just around the corner. But that’s no reason to fret! You still have time to act and ensure your taxes are a delight and not a downright fright. That little extra time may just be enough to pay off that pony you just bought little Tony.

So, here’s a little gift to get your season started right whether you’re a toy building elf, a gift giving saint, or a retired snowman, there’s a tax guide for you.   Continue reading “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Tax Season”

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It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Tax Season

Learning From Experience: Lars & Nora’s Story

Lars and Nora knew how to set their employees up for success, whether they were coming or going.  Read about how their creative insurance planning benefited their employees and their business. At just the right time, their Overhead Expense coverage and Wage Loss Replacement Plan gave them the breathing room they needed to envision a corporate restructure that set the company and key employees up for sustained growth and long-term success.

Share their story with your clients to help start new conversations about creative corporate insurance planning. Continue reading “Learning From Experience: Lars & Nora’s Story”

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Learning from Experience: Lars and Nora’s story

Critical Illness Insurance – Do We Position Its True Value or Baulk at the Cost?

Critical illness insurance (CI) seems to be something most clients know a little bit about. Sure, it’s a great complement to life insurance and disability income protection (replacing neither), but when it comes to purchase, CI is perhaps the first item of the client recommendation to be eliminated, once the client suggests it seems “too expensive”. Now you have a decision to make with your clients… do you show the true value of critical illness insurance to your client as an added layer of protection and the peace of mind knowing it helps keep them and their family secure or do you baulk at the high cost of CI? Continue reading “Critical Illness Insurance – Do We Position Its True Value or Baulk at the Cost?”

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Critical Illness Insurance… It Just Makes Sense

Transferring the Family Business – The Landscape is Changing

An article by PPI’s Planning Services team, a group of lawyers, accountants and actuaries who provide tax and estate planning support to Advisors affiliated with PPI.

The taxation of intergenerational transfers in Canada has been in the news over the last several years. A private members’ Bill, Bill C-208, proposed changes to section 84.1 of the Income Tax Act to exempt certain intergenerational transfers from this anti-avoidance provision (the anti-avoidance rule is intended to prevent stripping surplus out of a corporation as a tax-free return of capital rather than a taxable dividend). The changes proposed in Bill C-208 became law in June 2021 but the Department of Finance had concerns that the rules were too broad and might result in abuse. The Department of Finance announced revisions to the rules in the 2023 Federal Budget, which are more restrictive than the original proposals in Bill C-208 and are contained in the draft legislation of August 4, 2023. The revised rules come into effect on January 1, 2024, so there is a shrinking planning window for those cases in which it may make sense to apply the existing rules.*

Before we discuss the planning options in this changing landscape, let’s review why Bill C-208 was considered necessary. Continue reading “Transferring the Family Business – The Landscape is Changing”

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Transferring the Family Business – The Landscape is Changing

Holistic Planning – 10 Reasons To Add Insurance To A Wealth Practice

If you’re an Advisor specializing in investment products, now may be a good time to consider adding insurance solutions into your practice. Today, clients are looking for holistic planning – that’s  planning for a financial future with a knowledgeable, well-rounded Advisor who can offer a one-stop-shop for financial solutions and the peace of mind knowing they and their loved ones are safeguarded entirely with no gaps in their financial protection.

Here are 10 reasons to embrace holistic planning, including insurance, into your wealth practice… because insurance is not just a revenue opportunity, it’s a critical layer of protection for your clients and their families: Continue reading “Holistic Planning – 10 Reasons To Add Insurance To A Wealth Practice”

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Make Holistic Planning Your Goal When Looking to Your Financial Future

The Importance of Insurance Reviews – Things Your Client Should Consider

Did you know that September is National Life Insurance Awareness Month? The perfect time to reach out to prospects and clients to evaluate what insurance they have in place and if it still meets their needs.

A good place to start is to assess your client’s current situation. Your client has different needs at different stages in their life, so good questions to review with them include: Continue reading “The Importance of Insurance Reviews – Things Your Client Should Consider”

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The Importance of Insurance Reviews – Things to Consider

Assuris Announces Higher Levels of Policyholder Protection

Did you know that Assuris is to the insurance industry what the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC) is to the banking industry?

About Assuris

Founded in 1990, Assuris is the independent not-for-profit organization that protects Canadian policyholders if their life and health insurance company fails. Backed by the strength of the life and health insurance industry, Assuris provides a safety net for every Canadian policyholder. Every insurance company authorized to sell life and health insurance policies in Canada is required, by the federal, provincial, and territorial regulators, to be a member of Assuris.

Where OSFI’s stringent regulations are the first line of defence to prevent insurance companies from facing bankruptcy, Assuris offers a second line of defence so that if ever necessary, they will facilitate the transfer of in force policies to a solvent insurer and as needed, provide financial protection. Continue reading “Assuris Announces Higher Levels of Policyholder Protection”

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Canadian Financial Services Consumer Protection

INFOclip: Building Lifetime Protection

Household bills, mortgage payments, car loans and education savings are just some of the ongoing monthly expenses that depend on your client’s ability to earn an income. But what would happen when they passed away – what financial options do they have to protect their family’s short-term and long-term obligations?

As an Advisor, you know that a solution worth considering is life insurance. However, with so many insurance options available, which one is right for your clients and their families? And how can your clients ensure that an insurance solution will fit their family’s budget today and still meet their needs well into the future? Well, they have options.

Watch this video, about an insurance strategy for building a lifetime of protection designed to ensure your clients’ financial stability for today and for all of their tomorrows. Share it with your clients to help them learn more about their insurance options and designing insurance plans to best suit their needs and the needs of their families today, and well into the future. Continue reading “INFOclip: Building Lifetime Protection”

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INFOclip: Building Lifetime Protection