Savings Growth Calculator

The ability of our “Savings Growth” calculator to compare two savings strategies can be useful during your client discussions on what to do with excess cash. Your clients can also use it to see the impact of increasing their savings, even by just a little. Walk through this multi-purpose tool or share it with your clients to stimulate your next discussion on finances. Continue reading “Savings Growth Calculator”

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Savings Growth Calculator

Will the Money Last?

Help your clients calculate and compare scenarios for how long their savings will last when they start using it as income. Share the “Will the Money Last” calculator with them today.

And, for a more comprehensive review of your clients optimized retirement income cash flows and withdrawal strategy comparisons use the Cascades tool available to PPI Advisors through the Stratosphere suite of tools. Continue reading “Will the Money Last?”

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Will the Money Last?

Strengthening Your Client’s Safety Net with Critical Illness Insurance

Risks are inevitable and in your line of work, you consider risks all the time – after all, your speciality is building the safety net your clients need to protect against associated financial consequences.

This Strengthening Your Safety Net tool will help give your clients some perspective on the risk and economic impact of a critical illness and demonstrate how you can assist in rounding out their insurance portfolio with critical illness insurance.

Share it with your clients or use it to support your next critical illness insurance consultation. Continue reading “Strengthening Your Client’s Safety Net with Critical Illness Insurance”

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Strengthening Your Safety Net

Insuring Your Client’s Greatest Asset with Disability Insurance

What does your client consider their greatest asset? Home and vehicles are among the most common answers, however, your client’s earning power has the biggest impact on their financial health. More likely, their home and vehicles are ensured, but what about their earning power?

Have a look at PPI’s Insuring Your Greatest Asset tool below, then share it with your clients to give them a little perspective on the importance of their earning power and how to safeguard it.

Continue reading “Insuring Your Client’s Greatest Asset with Disability Insurance”

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Insuring Your Greatest Asset

Savings to Reach a Goal Calculator

It’s certainly important to have financial objectives in mind. But just like sports, your client needs to understand where those goal posts are in order to score those important financial goals.

Take a moment today to share this Savings to Reach a Goal Calculator with your client and help them get started with a game plan to score those triumphant financial goals! Continue reading “Savings to Reach a Goal Calculator”

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Savings to Reach a Goal Calculator

Debt Consolidation Calculator

Just like we purge our cupboards and closets during Spring cleaning to make our day-to-day life more manageable, your client can now organize their debt in a way that makes their monthly budget far more manageable.

So, go on and share this Debt Consolidation Calculator with your clients and help them pave the way to financial security and freedom. Continue reading “Debt Consolidation Calculator”

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Debt Consolidation Calculator

Exploring Your Client’s Life Insurance Options

All life insurance plans start with the same basic precept. Your client policyholder pays a premium in exchange for a tax-free lump sum benefit that’s payable to their selected beneficiaries upon their death. But there’s more! Because life insurance enjoys favourable tax treatment under the Income Tax Act1, it’s a valuable financial instrument that can do more than just pay a lump sum death benefit. Most Insurers design plans that offer features and benefits — added value for consumers that comes at a premium.

We’ve made it simple for your prospects and clients to check out the basic life insurance options with a new tool, Exploring Your Life Insurance Options.  Be sure to share it with them to enhance your next conversation about the option that’s best for their circumstances. Continue reading “Exploring Your Client’s Life Insurance Options”

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Exploring Your Life Insurance Options